Resource Pack: Effective Allyship

Allyship nudges
If you're keen to explore the principles and practices of being an Effective Ally, this short course of micro-learning will arm you with science-backed, practical experiments — shared directly over email, one a day for five days, and with an invitation to try them out right away. And with lots of scope to share and discuss among your team too.
Read: How to Be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi
For anyone wanting to move beyond awareness and start acting, this is the book for you. This seminal, NYT bestselling read from activist and professor Ibram X. Kendi walks you through the science and history of prejudice in all forms, and offers practical advice you can take to make a change and be the ally you want to be.
Watch: How to Be a Better Disability Ally
Twenty-four year old activist Daphne Frias gives her do's and don't's of disability allyship in and out of the office in this punchy video for 'radical inclusivity' group iWeigh.
Listen: Diversity Ally podcast
A wonderfully insightful podcast from veteran DE&I consultants Diversity Ally. Each episode welcomes a guest speaker who shares their experience, expertise and advice on allyship for all groups and all backgrounds. They’ve even got some great pointers on bringing DE&I policies to life for team and business leaders. We recommend this episode on being an effective ally to LBGTQ+ coworkers, but please explore.
Read: Be a Better Ally (HBR)
This collaborative article between sociologists and business professors alike provides some great pointers on accepting feedback, sponsoring marginalised co-workers and building a close network of allies in the office.
Watch: How to be an ally and build a more inclusive world
This bite sized BBC bulletin highlights one of the more unspoken (but more important) parts of being an ally — making mistakes, listening and learning, then changing behaviour. It’s a quick five-minute reminder of some of the key points of allyship, with some interesting ideas of its own.
Listen: Allyship is a Verb Podcast
This fantastic bi-weekly podcast brings in speakers to discuss a great range of informative and practical allyship topics; from How to Apologise After Making a Mistake to Being an Ally Across Generational Divides.
Read: How to Be an Ally, by Melinda Briana Epler
While Ibram X. Kendi provides a ‘big picture’ approach, Epler puts the focus squarely on the workplace. Drawing on her own experience of desperately wanting an ally as she ‘bashed her head against the glass ceiling,’ in her dream job, she provides actionable advice for fostering allyship in meetings and across an organisation. Check out her TED talk below if you haven’t already.
Read: A Working Definition of Allyship
This bulleted hand-out from the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence is a 10 commandments of Allyship; an extensive and to-the-point decree of Allyship do's and don'ts. Our favourite? Don't treat 'ally' as a concrete title, and treat it instead as a constant process of learning.