Micro-learning: Feedback fundamentals

"We each have two human needs: To learn and grow and to be respected, accepted and loved the way you are. Even though feedback facilitates learning and growth, it conflicts with our need to feel respected. This is a key reason we resist feedback."
Feedback Fundamentals. Five days of relationship enhancing experiments
In the modern world of work, feedback is a must-have — the ultimate learning tool. It's something we must continually improve our ability to share and to absorb at all times. As well as landing it clearly with those around us; we've got to regularly pull it in, rather than waiting for it to be pushed our way.
But often feedback is handled badly — infrequently, formally, framed in the wrong way, not rooted in real observation and impossible to 'isolate' and act on. And so it's no surprise that this can have negative consequences; points of view get muddled, identities challenged, emotions triggered and relationships rocked.
This micro-learning course, delivered across five experimental daily doses, will put feedback fundamentals in focus — giving you practical insights into how to boost your own development and to help others to continually learn and grow.
Just sign up below to get growing!